How much does a bouquet of peonies cost? The price of a bouquet of peonies in the best floristic studio in Riga.
How much is a bouquet of peonies with delivery in Riga and all over Latvia? Advantageous prices and a great selection of compositions from peonies are offered by KROKUS.
Do you want to know how much does a bouquet of peonies cost in the best online shop in Riga and all over Latvia? KROKUS offers its customers only the freshest flowers at the most appropriate prices! How much is a bouquet of fresh peonies with delivery to the address in Riga and other Latvian cities? Specialists of the company KROKUS are pleased to offer you the most favorable prices in the capital!
How much does a bouquet of peonies cost in Riga (Latvia)?
A refined and original gift for any spring or summer holiday is a bouquet of peonies. These delightful flowers give the warmest and most pleasant emotions, a smile and a good mood. Compositions of peonies are often used as interior decorations for festive events and solemn events, for example, such as a wedding. In addition, a bouquet of peonies can serve as a chic addition to the bride outfit, emphasizing the elegance and lightness of the wedding dress. Also, customers often purchase a bouquet of peonies for delivery to Riga (Latvia) on the occasion:
- birthday;
- the 8th of March;
- graduation;
- name day;
- day of the angel;
- anniversary;
- dates and other events.
That's why most customers of the company KROKUS are interested in the question: " How much is a bouquet of peonies with delivery in Riga and other cities in Latvia?" The best bouquet of peonies riga is waiting for your order in KROKUS!
The cost of a flower arrangement, based on the chic peonies, depends on the complexity of the bouquet, the number of flowers used, as well as accessories and packaging. For example, you can buy a bouquet of white or pink peonies, supplemented with a bright ribbon, at only 20-25 euros. The composition in a stylish hatbox or a wicker basket will cost for the customers from Riga (Latvia) 70-90 euros. The most complex bouquets, in which various decorative plants, textiles, bijouterie and other accessories are used, cost from 100 euros.
To find out more precisely how much does a bouquet of peonies cost in the best online shop in Riga and all over Latvia KROKUS you can by calling our manager at the specified number and having issued the purchase of the desired composition. In addition, you can make an order, using the convenient functions of our website. To send flowers to riga, without leaving home, you can with the help of our floristic studio!
will make a bouquet according to it We'll make a bouquet according
to the price you have indicated
The product is not available for quick order at this moment. If you want to purchase this product, you can contact us by phone +37120030306. The order of missing flowers for a bouquet can be lasting from 2 to 7 days
The composition of the bouquet may differ slightly from the one shown in the picture, depending on the season!
At your request, we will take a photo of the recipient at the moment of receiving flowers and send you SMS and e-mail.
From us, you get not only flowers and gifts, but also memorable experience. Our service will allow you to express your feelings in